EB140 Jan 2017

The WHO Executive Board will meet in Geneva from 23 Jan to 1 Feb 2017. See the WHO official documents page and the provisional agenda. People's Health Movement (PHM) will be at the EB as part of WHO Watch. Learn more about WHO Watch here.

Follow the watching

PHM coordinates a civil society commentary on the issues coming before WHO's governing bodies, including the EB.  The commentaries on each item are developed through an extended network of experts associated with PHM.  

The current version of the full PHM commentary is now available as a PDF file (updated 17 Jan)The policy briefs, statements and daily reports produced by the watchers team are available here. 

PHM's commentary on each of the items to be considered by the Board is also accessible from a series of webpages on Google Drive. The Index Page is here

Please note that access to these pages may require you to have a Google account and logging into your browser with your Google account. 

EB140_PHMCommentary(P9).pdf1.3 MB