GHW1 Case Studies and Human Interest Stories: Testimonies and Essays
Here are some examples of case studies, testimonies and essays that were submitted during the production of Global Health Watch 1 (2005-2006).
For information on how to submit case studies and examples of what we are looking for see Call for Case Studies and Testimonies
The Politics and Economics of Health in 21st century:
- Globalisation, Health and the Law- Developments in the UK [28kb
] date added: 25/11/04
- Poverty versus genes: the social context of Type 2 diabetes [24kb
] date added: 27/10/04
- The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the plunder of the natural resources of the sea-bed and the perpetuation of inequity between nations [16kb
Health Care Sector
- Health Systems that promote social justice/Responding to commercialisation of health care:
Health Financing and Access to Health Care for Women in Afganistan [41kb
] date added: 25/11/04
Ensuring Health Services for the Ultra Poor in Bangladesh- BRAC [74kb
] date added: 25/11/04
Regional Inequalities in Health for Italian Children [78kb
] date added: 25/11/04
Colombian Health System Reform [32kb
] date added: 18/11/04
Removing User Fees For Primary Care: Necessary But Not Enough By Itself [44kb
Community Involvement in Health - People’s Health Tribunals in India [30kb
date added: 06/09/04 - The Pharmaceutical industry, access to medicines, and intellectual property rights
- Human resources: Brain Drain
- Responding to HIV/AIDS
Ugandan Health Professionals United for Action on AIDS [23kb
] date added: 25/11/04
- Gene technology and the attainment of health for all
- Gender, Globilisation and Health
Legal Aspects of Organ Transplantation and Trade in Health Services [25kb
] date added: 15/11/04
- Sexual and Reproductive Health
] date added: 25/11/04
Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy in Central America [72kb
] date added: 25/11/04
Impacting Women: Provincial Government cuts to Welfare [32kb
] date added: 11/11/04
Health and Population Policy Initiatives in India [23kb
] date added: 27/10/04
Beyond Health Care
- Environmental challenges and Health
Community Environmental Monitoring in India - 3 case studies [34kb
] date added: 25/11/04
Oil Exploitation and Health in the Amazon Basin of Ecuador [26kb
- Militarism, conflict and Health
- Water and Sanitation
Water Justice for All: Global and Local Resistance to the Control and Commodification of Water [10kb
] date added: 06/09/04
- The right to food: Land, agriculture and household food security:
] date added: 10/09/04
"Zero Hunger" Pact Between Government and Society in Brazil: a Case Study [13kb
] date added: 06/09/04
Applying Public Interest Litigation to Secure the Right of Food: a case study of India [15kb
] date added: 06/09/04
Implementing the Human Right to Food: Domestic Obligations and the International Trade in Agriculture - Report of an inter-sessional workshop held September 11, 2003 in Cancun, Mexico on the occasion of the 5th WTO Ministerial Meeting [60kb
] date added: 06/09/04
- Education
Marginalised Groups
- Indigenous peoples
The Protection of Indigenous Knowledge for Peoples Health [36kb
] date added: 20/09/04
Food Alliance for Remote Australia: a voice for food security issues in remote Australia [42kb
] date added: 27/10/04
- Disabled people
Holding Institutions to Account
- Bilateral and Multilateral Donors
- Civil Society in Action
The Case for a Broad Social Movement for Peoples Health in South Africa [107kb
] date added: 16/11/04
- Private Foundations
- UNAIDS, Global Fund and Pepfar
Babyfood - Using International Tools to Stop Corporate Malpractice [60kb
] date added: 25/11/04
- World Bank
- WTO/GATS and regional trade agreements
- Other
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