EB Meeting

6.12 Draft global vaccine action plan: update

Secretariat note

The Board is invited to review an information document that highlights progress in developing the Decade of Vaccines draft action plan, including the draft vision statement, and details of the four work streams in the action plan, in preparation for a substantive review by the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly.

Statement by PHM to Executive Board of WHO, 20 Jan, 2011

The future of financing for WHO

Statement by People's Health Movement (PHM) to Executive Board of WHO, 20 Jan, 2011

WHO faces a financial crisis. The increasing dependence on extra‐budgetary funds relative to assessed contributions is distorting priority setting. Allocations to the social determinants of health have shrunk while expenditures on medicines are growing although funding to promote the rational use of medicines has almost dried up entirely.

PHM letter to the members of the Executive Board of WHO Jan 2011

Issues for consideration at the WHO Executive Board

Distinguished members of the Executive Board of WHO,

On behalf of the People’s Health Movement and a number of affiliated networks I submit the comments and suggestions included below regarding some of the items appearing on the agenda of the WHO Executive Board. We hope that you may find time to read and consider these comments before the relevant discussions at the EB. We hope that you find them useful.