
2010 Human Development Report: 40-year Trends Analysis Shows Poor Countries Making Faster Development Gains

United Nations, 4 November 2010—Most developing countries made dramatic yet often underestimated progress in health, education and basic living standards in recent decades, with many of the poorest countries posting the greatest gains, reveals a detailed new analysis of long-term Human Development Index (HDI) trends in the 2010 Human Development Report, released here today.

The Global Gender Gap Index 2010

“….., is a framework for capturing the magnitude and scope of gender-based disparities and tracking their progress.
The Index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, political, education- and health based criteria, and provides country rankings that allow for effective comparisons across regions and income groups, and over time.

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Global Health Watch 3 - Call for Case Studies and Testimonies

Examining the World’s Health from an Alternative Perspective

The Global Health Watch provides a platform for activists to share experiences and inform each other with practical examples and theoretical analyses to strengthen local, national, regional and global campaigns towards Health for All!

How you can voice your views?

The Global Health Watch is putting out a call for the submission of country or region specific case studies and testimonies. These case studies and testimonies will form part of the electronic platform of the alternative world health and selected case studies shall also be incorporated into the final document of Global Health Watch 3 – scheduled for publication in 2011. 

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