Sun, 2017-05-21 - Wed, 2017-05-31

Index page for PHM item commentaries

WHA70 page on WHO Tracker

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Integrated PHM commentary on WHA70 (PDF, 840kb)

Policy brief


The WHO Watch Team is watching the 70th World Health assembly of the World Health Organisation. The Watching team consists of Linda Markova, Godfrey Philimon, Lauren Paremoer, Simrin Kafle, Sulakshana Nandi, Aletha Wallace, Megan Arthur, Renee De Jong, Paul Nedermeijer, Alexandre Gajardo and Gargeya Telakapalli. 

MMI/PHM statements

Item 12.1.3 R&D for Potentially Epidemic Disease

Item 12.2 Antimicrobial resistance

Item 12.4 International Health Regulations

Item 12.5 Pandemic Influenza Preparedness

Item 13.1 Human resources for health and implementation of the outcomes of the United Nations’ High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth

Item 13.2 Principles on the donation and management of blood, blood components and other medical products of human origin

Item 13.5 Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination

Item 13.7 Promoting the health of migrants




Item 15.1  Preparation for the third High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, to be held in 2018

15.5 Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity: implementation plan

15.6 Cancer prevention and control in the context of an integrated approach


Item 16.1 Progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

16.2 The role of the health sector in the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management towards the 2020 goal and beyond


Item 23.3 Engagement with non-State actors


Day reports

Index page to WHO Watch Day Reports 

WHA70_CommitteeReports2Plenary.pdf116.49 KB