Ongoing: PHM Watches PAHO's 52nd Directing Council Meeting in Washington (Sept 30th- Oct 4th, 2013)

For the second time, PHM will be attending the annual PAHO Directing Council Meeting from 30 Sept to 4 October, 2013.  See PHM comment on three key items.

 As part of the watching process, PHM will be conducting several major activities:
1) Offering PHM Commentary to delegates about various agenda items,
2) Providing a livestream of PAHO events to all interested individuals,
3) Compiling daily reports and topic summaries of various agenda items.

Each of these resources are available in the section below. 


PHM Livestream 

PHM's livestream of events is available during the PAHO events at the following link:

PHM Commentary

PHM comments on three key agenda items: social protection, chronic kidney disease and cooperation for health development.  

PHM Reports

Watch this space too

Provisional Agenda

Official Documents Page

1. Opening of the Session

2. Procedural Matters
2.1 Appointment of the Committee on Credentials (Rule 31, Rules of Procedure)
2.2 Election of the President, Two Vice Presidents, and the Rapporteur (Rule 16, Rules of Procedure)
2.3 Establishment of a Working Party to Study the Application of Article 6.B of the PAHO Constitution (Rule 34, Rules of Procedure)
2.4 Establishment of the General Committee (Rule 32, Rules of Procedure)
2.5 Adoption of the Agenda CD52/1 (Rule 10, Rules of Procedure) CD52/1 (Eng.)
3. Constitutional Matters
3.1 Annual Report of the President of the Executive Committee CD52/2 (Article 9.C, PAHO Constitution)
3.2 Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau CD52/3 (Article 9.C, PAHO Constitution)
3.3 Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Grenada, Peru, and the United States of America CD52/4 (Articles 9.B and 15.A, PAHO Constitution)
4. Program Policy Matters
4.1 Proposed PAHO Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Off. Doc. 345, (Resolution CE152.R7)
4.2 Proposed PAHO Program and Budget 2014-2015 Off. Doc. 346, 346Add.1, 346Add.2 (Articles 3.1 and 3.4 of the Financial Regulations) (Resolutions CE152.R16 and CE152.R17)
4.3 Social Protection in Health CD52/5 (Resolution CE152.R4)
4.4 Human Resources for Health CD52/6 
4.5 Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases CD52/7
(Resolution CE152.R15)
4.6 Chronic Kidney Disease in Agricultural Communities in Central America CD52/8 (Resolution CE152.R14) CD52/1 (Eng.)
4.7 Evidence-based Policy-making for National Immunization Programs CD52/9 (Resolution CE152.R5)
4.8 Implementation of the International Health Regulations CD52/10 
4.9 Cooperation for Health Development in the Americas CD52/11 (Resolution CE152.R13)
4.10 Panel Discussion: Health in the post-2015 Development Agenda CD52/12
5. Administrative and Financial Matters
5.1 Report on the Collection of Assessed Contributions CD52/13 (Resolution CE152.R1)
5.2 Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for 2012 Off. Doc. 344
5.3 Amendments to the Financial Regulations of PAHO CD52/14 (Resolution CE152.R8)
5.4 Review of the Charge Assessed on the Procurement of Public Health Supplies for Member States CD52/15 (Resolution CE152.R3)
6. Awards
6.1 PAHO Award for Administration (2013) CD52/16 (Resolution CE152.R10) CD52/1 (Eng.)
7. Matters for Information
7.1 Update on WHO Reform CD52/INF/1
7.2 WHO Twelfth General Program of Work 2014-2019 and Program Budget 2014-2015 CD52/INF/2
7.3 Report on the 16th Inter-American Meeting at the Ministerial Level on Health and Agriculture (RIMSA 16) CD52/INF/3
7.4 Progress Reports on Technical Matters: CD52/INF/4
Congenital Syphilis: Mid-term Evaluation (Resolution CD50.R12 [2010])
F. Regional Plan on Workers’ Health (Resolution CD41.R13 [1999])
7.5 Resolutions and other Actions of Intergovernmental Organizations of Interest to PAHO: CD52/INF/5
8. Other Matters
9. Closure of the Session
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