EMRO RC59 (2012)

The Fifty-ninth Session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean is scheduled to take place in the World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo, Egypt, from Monday 1 to Thursday 4 October 2012 inclusive.  

The provisional agenda and other documents in preparation can be found on the RC59 documentation page

In addition to the issues listed there are a number of matters emerging from the recent WHA65 and associated discussions around WHO Reform.  As a consequence we can predict that the agenda for the 59th Session will also include: 

  • greater harmonisation across regions (see paras 28-33 of A65/5)
  • closer alignment between Headquarters, regions and country offices (see paragraphs 22- 27 of A65/5)
  • consideration of draft Global Program of Work (GPW12) and PB(2014-15) 
  • new reporting obligations for regional offices to Executive Board (under 'alignment' above)
  • rules for allowing observers at RC meetings (links with both harmonisation and alignment)

The 58th session was held in Cairo, 2-5 October 2011.  See documentation page.

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