8. Staffing matters

8.1 Appointment of the Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean

The document contains the Regional Committee’s proposal to the Board for the appointment of the Regional Director.

8.2 Human resources: annual report

The report describes the latest developments and achievements concerning human resources at WHO. Statistics are provided on the staffing situation as at 31 July 2011 as a preview to the final report that will be presented to the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly.

8.3 Report of the International Civil Service Commission

The report contains any relevant amendments following the United Nations General Assembly’s consideration of International Civil Service Commission recommendations.

8.4 Statement by the representative of the WHO staff associations

  • Document EB130/INF.DOC./2

8.5 Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules

Amendments to the Staff Rules made by the Director-General are submitted for confirmation by the Board in accordance with Staff Regulation 12.2. Proposed amendments to the Staff Regulations are presented for consideration by the Board for submission to the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly.