EB131. Agenda Item 6.2: Radiation protection and safety standards

This item was presented to the EB as a late supplementary agenda item, see EB131/1 Add.1  

After some discussion about whether it would be included on the agenda or not a decision was taken to do so as  Item 6.2 Radiation protection and safety of radiation sources: International Basic Safety Standards (EB131/11)   

The Secretariat's report (EB131/11) describes the context and purpose of the item. Basically WHO is being invited to associate itself with the new version of the Standards Document.  The 1996 edition of these standards can be found here.  The IAEA page describing the development of the 2011 revision is here.

See WHO Watchers' note of the discussion at the EB.  

EB131-6-2_Radiation.pdf41.88 KB