Integrated PHM Analysis and Commentary on EB135 (pdf) here
PHM Statements on selected agenda items:
- Strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anaesthesia as a component of universal health coverage PHM Comment . (MMI-PHM statement).
- Health and the environment – addressing the health impact of air pollution PHM Comment. (MMI-PHM statement).
Provisional agenda for EB135
1. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur
2. Opening of the session and adoption of the agenda: EB135/1, EB135/1 (annotated)
3. Outcome of the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly PHM Report
4. Report of the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee of the Executive Board (EB135/2). PHM Comment
5. Technical and health matters
5.1 Strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anaesthesia as a component of universal health coverage (EB135/3). PHM Comment . (MMI-PHM statement)
5.2 Health and the environment – addressing the health impact of air pollution (EB135/4). PHM Comment. (MMI-PHM statement).
6. Management and financial matters
6.1 Evaluation: annual report (EB135/5). PHM Comment
6.2 Committees of the Executive Board: filling of vacancies (EB135/6)
7. Staffing matters
7.1 Statement by the representative of the WHO staff associations (EB135/INF./1). PHM Comment
7.2 Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules (EB135/7, EB135/7 Add.1).
8. Matters for information: report on meetings of expert committees and study groups (EB135/8). PHM Comment
9. Future sessions of the Executive Board and the Health Assembly (EB135/9).
- EB136: Monday 26 January to Tuesday 3 February 2015, at WHO headquarters;
- PBAC22: Wednesday to Friday, 13–15 May 2015, at WHO headquarters;
- WHA68: Monday 18 to Tuesday 26 May 2015, at the Palais.
10. Closure of the session