PBAC18 16-17 May, 2013

1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda 

Document EBPBAC18/1 
2. WHO reform 
Documents A66/4 and A66/48 
3. Programme budget, financial and other matters to be considered by the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly
3.1 Implementation of Programme budget 2012–2013: interim report 
Document A66/5 
3.2 Draft twelfth general programme of work 
Document A66/6
and draft resolution A66/6 Add.1 
3.3 Proposed programme budget 2014–2015 
Document A66/7 
3.4 Financial report and audited financial statements for the period 1 January 2012–31 December 2012 
Documents A66/29 and
Voluntary contributions by fund and by contributor for the year ended 31 December 2012 A66/29 Add.1 
3.5 Status of collection of assessed contributions, including Member States in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution 
Document A66/30 
3.6 Special arrangements for settlement of arrears 
Document A66/45 
3.7 Scale of assessments for 2014-2015: foreign exchange risk management 
Document A66/32 
3.8 Amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules 
Document A66/33 
3.9 Report of the External Auditor 
Document A66/34 
3.10 Report of the Internal Auditor 
Document A66/35 
3.11 Human resources: annual report 
Document A66/36 
3.12 Report of the International Civil Service Commission 
Document A66/37 
3.13 Real estate 
Document A66/42 
4. Management and other matters to be considered by the Executive Board
4.1 General management: update 
Document EBPBAC18/2 
4.2 Administration and management cost study 
Document EBPBAC18/3 
4.3 Evaluation: annual report 
Document EB133/8
4.4 Annual report of the Independent Expert Oversight Advisory Committee 
Document EBPBAC18/4 
4.5 External and internal audit recommendations: progress on implementation 
Document EBPBAC18/5 
4.6 Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules 
Document EB133/12 
5. Adoption of the reports and closure of the meeting