Western Pacific RC 64 (2013)

PHM Commentary

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Provisional Agenda (21-25 October, 2013)

Documents page

Opening of the session and adoption of the agenda 
1. Opening of the session 
2. Address by the outgoing Chairperson 
3. Election of incoming officers: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteurs 
4. Address by the incoming Chairperson 
5. Adoption of the agenda 
Keynote address 
6. Address by the Director-General 
Nomination of the Regional Director 
7. Nomination of the Regional Director  WPR/RC64/12 
Review of the work of WHO 
8. Address by and Report of the Regional Director  WPR/RC64/2 
9. Programme budget 2012–2013: budget performance (interim report) WPR/RC64/3 
Policies, programmes and directions for the future 
10. Proposed programme budget 2014–2015 WPR/RC64/4, WPR/RC64/4 Add.1 
11. Blindness prevention  WPR/RC64/5 
12. Ageing and health  WPR/RC64/6 
13. Hepatitis B control through vaccination: setting the target  WPR/RC64/7 
14. Noncommunicable disease  WPR/RC64/8 
15. Progress reports on technical programmes WPR/RC64/9
15.1 Review of health systems strategies 
15.2 MDG 4 and 5: maternal and child health 
15.3 HIV/STI prevention and treatment 
15.4 Asia Pacific Strategy for Emerging Diseases (2010) and the International Health 
 Regulations (2005) 
15.5 Civil registration and vital statistics 
15.6 Tuberculosis prevention and control 
15.7 Expanded programme on immunization 
15.8 Malaria and artemisinin resistance 
 16. Coordination of the work of the World Health Assembly, the Executive Board and the Regional Committee  WPR/RC64/10 
Membership of Global Committees 
17. Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction: membership of the Policy and Coordination Committee WPR/RC64/11 
Other matters 
18. Time and place of the sixty-fifth and sixty-sixth sessions of the Regional Committee 
19. Closure of the session