Western Pacific RC 63 (2012)

The sixty-third session of the World Health Organization Regional Committee for the Western Pacific will be held from 24 to 28 September 2012 in Hanoi, Viet Nam.  At the time of posting (10 Aug) there are no documents concerning this session posted on the WPRO website.

In addition to the flow on issues and new issues arising in WPRO there are a number of issues emerging from the recent WHA65 and associated discussions around WHO Reform including: 

  • greater harmonisation across regions (see paras 28-33 of A65/5)
  • closer alignment between Headquarters, regions and country offices (see paragraphs 22- 27 of A65/5)
  • consideration of draft Global Program of Work (GPW12) and PB(2014-15) 
  • new reporting obligations for regional offices to Executive Board (under 'alignment' above)
  • rules for allowing observers at RC meetings (links with both harmonisation and alignment)

The sixty-second session of the Regional Committee was held  in Manila from 10-14 October 2011.  See Documentation index page.

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