Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement

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US extends assistance for Philippines accession to Trans-Pacific deal (Friday, September 30th

The United States government has extended aid to the Philippines to allow it to eventually accede to the multilateral Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. But probably not for several years.


Trans Pacific talks inch forward at Chicago meeting (Bridges Weekly, Sept 21)

According to reports from the USTR’s office, negotiators are near closure on areas such as customs, technical barriers to trade, telecommunications, government procurement, small- and medium-sized enterprises, regulatory coherence, competitiveness, and development. However, areas such as intellectual property and investment will still require more work, they said. More.

More news on Chicago negotiations on CPATH website

Public health, medicine and elected officials joined advocates for labor and the environment to speak out publicly against the U.S. Trade Representative's proposals to increase the prices of life-saving medicines and to make lethal tobacco products cheaper and easier to buy. They also call for greater public health representation and transparency in trade policy.  More.


See comment on PHM Oz website

PHM Oz is concerned about proposed intellectual property and investment provisions in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) that could undermine public health regulation and access to essential medicines.  More


Background on the TPPA on