
'NZ wants to see progress in PACER Plus' (PACNews, 7 Sept, 2011)

Pacific Chief Trade Advisor resigns with a warning for Australia (


PHM Australia:

Health has received little attention in the PACER Plus negotiations to date, which have been dominated by trade issues. The apparent neglect of health has been raised by the Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) and the New Zealand and Australian Oxfams. It has been argued (see for example PANG) that PACER Plus could negatively affect population health in the Pacific and obstruct the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The current negotiations provide an opportunity to get it right, to promote economic development in the Pacific and to progress Health For All and the MDGs. However, the issues are complex and there is a range of different perspectives. Coming to a firm view about PACER Plus and identifying the kinds of provisions which might guarantee economic and health development is not simple.

Therefore it is time for health advocates to inform ourselves: to hear the background from the experts; to listen to the different perspectives on priorities and risks; and to strategise around health for all and the MDGs.  Read more.

Public health at risk in trade talks

Australia is negotiating two regional trade agreements; agreements that have far-reaching implications for health and human rights as well as for economics and commerce. These risks are not being given sufficient priority in the negotiations.More
