Contents of the Global Health Watch 2
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about this book; contents; boxes, figures and tables; illustrations; acknowledgements; foreword
Part A: An alternative paradigm for development
Part B: The health-care sector
- B1: Health systems advocacy
- B2: Mental health: culture, language and power
- B3: Access to health care for migrants and asylum-seekers
- B4: Prisoners
- B5: Medicine
- C1: Carbon trading and climate change
- C2: Terror, war and health
- C3: Reflections on globalisation, trade, food and health
- C4: Urbanisation
- C5: The sanitation and water crisis
- C6: Oil extraction and health in the Niger Delta
- C7: Humanitarian aid
- C8: Education
- D1: Global health governance
- D2: Government aid
- D3: Transnational corporations