13.12 Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases

The twentieth century saw a transition from acute to chronic illnesses which became the main cause of mortality. Thirty-eight million deaths occur each year due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mainly cardiovascular diseases, cancers, respiratory diseases, and diabetes. When the injuries are taken into account NCDs are responsible for 70% of all deaths of which 80% occur in L&MICs. The estimation made by WHO is that over the next 10 year period deaths from NCDs will increase by 17% with the greatest increase in African Region and Eastern Mediterranean Region.

13.11 Eradication of dracunculiasis

The Assembly will consider Document A64/20, a report from the Secretariat on the eradication of dracunculiasis (Guinea worm). 

PHM calls on affected member states to implement the actions in the resolution, in particular:

1.      work towards improving the living conditions in some of the forgotten places where guinea worm still spreads;

13.10 Malaria

Document A64/19 is a report by the Secretariat on the prevention and control of malaria.  

See also Resolution EB128.R13 was adopted by the EB in Jan 201

Document EB128/2011/REC/1 (?posted). See provisional record of EB128 discussions. 

Note from WHA64 Watch, May 2011

13.09 Cholera: mechanism for control and prevention

The Assembly will consider Document A64/18, a report by the Secretariat on the control and prevention of cholera. 

See the notes of EB Watch, Jan 2011.

Watch this space.