C. Climate change and health (resolutions WHA61.19 and EB124.R5)

All progress reports are included in Document A64/26.

This item follows up WHA61.19 and EB124.R5

WHA Watch comments

B. Onchocerciasis control through ivermectin distribution (resolution WHA47.32)

In the 64th World Health Assembly a progress report [Document A64/26] concerning the progress of onchocerciasis control [WHA47.32] will be presented. No new resolutions have been announced.

A. Poliomyelitis: mechanism for management of potential risks to eradication (resolution WHA61.1)

Document A64/26 provides progress reports on all items for report.

See also WHA Resolution 61.1 on mechanisms for the management of potential risks to polio eradication.

13.17 Progress reports

Document A64/26 contains reports on all of the items listed for progress reports.