WHA68 May 2015


Now Available: Notes of discussions at WHA68, produced by the volunteers of WHO Watch, available for download here.  It may help in making sense of these notes to also refer to the commentaries linked below.  

Integrated commentary (as of 11 May) available for download here. This will be updated as the official documents are published. The outcomes of the WHA68 Watch - Statements, Policy Briefs, Summary of Discussions, and Press Releases - can be found here.

During the WHA68, PHM organised a side event on the Impacts of Trade Agreements on Health. A summary of discussion can be found here.

Downloading individual item commentaries

The emerging item commentaries are linked from the 'PHM Comment' link against the specific agenda items listed below. These commentaries are created in Google Docs. To download these pages, navigate to the relevant G'doc page, hit the double down arrow in the top right hand corner to show the menu bar. Now select File, Download and choose your preferred file format.


Official WHA68 page

Official PBAC22 page

Official EB137 page



1. Opening of the Health Assembly
1.1 Appointment of the Committee on Credentials (A68/1)
1.2 Election of the President
1.3 Election of the five Vice-Presidents, the Chairmen of the main committees, and establishment of the General Committee
1.4 Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items to the main committees (A68/1)
Proposal for supplementary item on mycetoma (A68/1 Add.1)
2. Report of the Executive Board on its 135th and 136th sessions (A68/2)
3. Address by Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General (A68/3)
4. Invited speaker: Angela Merkel (A68/DIV./5)
5. Admission of new Members and Associate Members [if any]
6. Executive Board: election
7. Awards
8. Reports of the main committees
9. Closure of the Health Assembly

Committee A

10. Opening of the Committee

11. WHO reform

11.1 Overview of reform implementation (PHM Comment)
11.2 Framework of engagement with non-State actors (PHM Comment)

12. Programme and budget matters

12.1 Implementation and financing of Programme budget 2014–2015: update (PHM Comment)
12.2 Proposed programme budget 2016–2017 (PHM Comment)

13. Noncommunicable diseases

13.1 Outcome of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (PHM Comment)
13.2 Maternal, infant and young child nutrition: development of the core set of indicators (PHM Comment)
13.3 Update on the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity  (PHM Comment)
13.4 Follow-up to the 2014 high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly to undertake a comprehensive review and assessment of the progress achieved in the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (PHM Comment)
13.5 Global burden of epilepsy and need for a coordinated action at the country level to address its health, social and public knowledge implications (PHM Comment)

14. Promoting health through the life course

14.1 Monitoring the achievement of the health-related Millennium Development Goals (PHM Comment)
14.2 Health in the post-2015 development agenda (PHM comment)
14.3 Adolescent health (PHM Comment)
14.4 Women and health: 20 years of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (PHM Comment)
14.5 Contributing to social and economic development: sustainable action across sectors to improve health and health equity (follow-up of the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion) (PHM Comment)
14.6 Health and the environment: Addressing the health impact of air pollution (PHM Comment)

15. Preparedness, surveillance and response

15.1 Antimicrobial resistance  (PHM Comment)
15.2 Poliomyelitis  (PHM Comment)
15.3 Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) (PHM Comment)
15.4 WHO's response in large-scale emergencies (PHM Comment

16. Communicable diseases

16.1 2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak (PHM Comment)
16.2 Malaria: draft global technical strategy: post 2015 (PHM Comment)
16.3 Dengue: prevention and control (PHM Comment)
16.4 Global vaccine action plan (PHM Comment)

17. Health systems

17.1 Strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anaesthesia as a component of universal health coverage (PHM Comment)
17.2 WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel  (PHM Comment)
17.3 Substandard/spurious/falsely-labelled/falsified/counterfeit medical products  (PHM Comment)
17.4 Follow-up of the report of the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination  (PHM Comment)
17.5 Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property  (PHM Comment)

18. Progress reports

Noncommunicable diseases (integrated PHM Comments)
A. Comprehensive mental health action plan 2013–2020 (resolution WHA66.8)
B. Comprehensive and coordinated efforts for the management of autism spectrum disorders (resolution WHA67.8)
C. Disabling hearing loss (resolution WHA48.9)

Communicable diseases
E. Smallpox eradication: destruction of variola virus stocks (resolution WHA60.1)
F. Eradication of dracunculiasis (resolution WHA64.16)
G. Elimination of schistosomiasis (resolution WHA65.21)
H. Neglected tropical diseases (resolution WHA66.12)
I. Prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections: global strategy (resolution WHA59.19)

Promoting health through the life course
J. Newborn health (resolution WHA67.10)
K. Working towards universal coverage of maternal, newborn and child health interventions (resolution WHA58.31)
L. Implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children (resolution WHA66.7)

Health systems
M. Social determinants of health (resolution WHA65.8)
N. Sustainable health financing structures and universal coverage (resolution WHA64.9)
O. Strategy for integrating gender analysis and actions into the work of WHO (resolution WHA60.25)
P. Progress in the rational use of medicines (resolution WHA60.16)

Preparedness, surveillance and response
Q. Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits (resolution WHA64.5)

Committee B

19. Opening of the Committee

20. Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan (PHM Comment)

21. Financial matters

21.1 Financial report and audited financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2014 (PHM Comment)
21.2 Status of collection of assessed contributions, including Member States in arrears in the payment of their contributions to an extent that would justify invoking Article 7 of the Constitution (A68/39)
21.3 Special arrangements for settlement of arrears [if any]
21.4 Scale of assessments for 2016–2017 (PHM comment)
21.5 Assessment of new Members and Associate Members [if any]

22. Audit and oversight matters

22.1 Report of the External Auditor (PHM Comment)
22.2 Report of the Internal Auditor (PHM Comment)
22.3 Appointment of External Auditor (A68/3) 

23. Staffing matters

23.1 Human resources (PHM Comment)
23.2 Report of the International Civil Service Commission  (PHM Comment)
23.3 Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules (A68/46 and EB136.R12 and EB136.R15)
23.4 Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (A68/47)
23.5 Appointment of representatives to the WHO Staff Pension Committee (A68/48)

24. Management and legal matters

24.1 Real estate: update on the Geneva buildings renovation strategy

25. Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations

18AComprehensiveMentalHealthActionPlan2013A.pdf137.44 KB
WHA68_PHM_DraftResolution_ICN2.pdf90.92 KB
WHA68_PHM(full).pdf872.51 KB
WHA68Notes,May2014(WHO-Watch).pdf1.68 MB