E. Improvement of health through safe and environmentally sound waste management (resolution WHA63.25)

See Doc A64/26 for accumulated progress reports.

This is a follow up of WHA63.25 which itself arose out of the consideration at WHA63 of the Secretariat's Strategic Approach report (A63/21).  

A63/21 provides a introduction to the broad field of chemicals regulation. Out of this two specific resolutions were passed at WHA63.26 (obsolete chemicals) and WHA63.25 (waste management). Doc A64/26 provides progress reports on both resolutions.  

WHA63.25 urges Member States to apply health impact assessment as one of their tools for managing waste.  Among the actions requested of the DG are improving controls over the illegal shipment of waste, raising awareness, strengthening subregional and regional cooperation on waste and health issues by promoting human and appropriate technical capacities at national, regional and international levels; and technology transfer needed for waste management. 

The main focus of the Progress Report in Doc 164/26 is on health care waste.  This is a very narrow reading of resolution WHA63.25.  

In view of the financial power of those who generate chemical pollution and their influence on governments it is essential that WHO reach out to community organisations and environmental and health activists with high quality and easily accessible technical and regulatory information. Environmental and health activism is critical in stiffening the political will to take effective action on these issues.