13.03 Health-related Millennium Development Goals

This item deals with WHO’s role in the follow-up to the high-level plenary meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly on the review of the Millennium Development Goals (September 2010)

Document 64/11 provides a summary of the background to this item.  "The world’s leaders met at the United Nations High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals (New York, 20–22 September 2010) to review progress and required actions.  The resulting outcome document is the latest Member State declaration that outlines consensus on ways to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.  This report reviews the latest trends concerning the health-related Goals. Further, in line with the request in resolution WHA63.24 (see WHA63 Resolutions, page 51), it assesses progress on the effort to  reduce child mortality through prevention and treatment of pneumonia; and it provides an overview of WHO’s engagement in the High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals and follow-up actions." 

See also Resolution 1 of the January 2011 EB meeting (EB128.R1) on WHO’s role in the follow-up to the high-level plenary meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly on the review of the Millennium Development Goals (September 2010) 

Document A64/11 Add.1 deals with one specific aspect of WHO's role in the MDGs, namely the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health.

Summary of WHA64 committee meeting

During the discussion in Committee A many member states expressed their agreement with the findings of the report and A64/11 add. 1.  Maternal and child health gains have been insufficient over the passed few years.  USA added text to the resolution that narrow 'assistance' to 'health related assistance'.  China commented on the need for transfer of technology and know-how and raised the issues of developing an approach for after 2015. China also added some text to the resolution that supports 'baby friendly hospital initiatives'. Thailand supported the report and added to the conference paper some words urging the implementations of the commission's recommendations.
The Bahama's raised the issue of support for nations that are not elegable for GAVI financing and the inaccuracy of reporting MDG goals in terms of rates people 10,000 in small island states.  India ammended the resolution to recognise that breast feeding reduces maternal and neonatal mortality, a sentiment that was repeated in the statement from the International Lactation Consultant Association.  

See UN MDGs website

See Samir Amin on the MDGs.

See PHM comment to EB members prior to the January EB meeting and also the EB Watch commentary after the EB meeting (see).

Watch this space.