WHO must leave aside commercial interests and focus on public health

In a statement made on 22 May 2015, People's Health Movement and Medicus Mundi International urge WHO to overcome a terminology battle and really focus and work on the core public health issues, namely access to affordable and safe medicines

PHM and MMI encouraged the Member states of the WHO to change the obtuse term "SSFFC MP"(°) that is linked to commercial considerations of interests to the pharmaceutical Industry, and adopt a more relevant term that focuses on the core public health issues - mechanisms and processes that guarantee access to affordable medicines with quality and safety. In addition, PHM and MMI raised their concern with the practice of in-transit seizure and urged the Member State Mechanism to clarify that such practices are not part of the mandate of this body.


PHM activists are at the WHA as part of PHM's WHO watch initiative.
You can follow the watching here

(°) Substandard/spurious/falsely-labelled/falsified/counterfeit medical products

MMI-PHM_Statement_WHA68_17.3SFC_finalversionEN.docx67.5 KB