EBSS (November 1-3, 2011) to discuss WHO Reform


WHO Reform has been on the WHO agenda since May 2009. (See WW overview of WHO reform process. See also WHO Reform for a healthy future on the DG's website.).  The discussion initially focused on the imbalance between assessed and untied contributions to WHO revenue, under the rubric of 'The future of financing of WHO' (see WW report on EB128-5).  During 2011 the conversation widened to include a wider range of issues including WHO governance and management; personnel policies and practices; priority setting; and the proposal for a World Health Forum.  

These issues were reworked extensively during the May 2011 World Health Assembly (see WW report on WHA64-11) and subsequent EB129 (see WW report on EB129-3.2).   

In July 2011 the WHO Secretariat released three concept / discussion / decision papers on: WHO Governance, a proposed Independent Evaluation (which might focus as a kind of first step on HSS and/or possibly MCH); and the proposal for a new structure, a World Health Forum (as outlined in Resolution WHA64.2).  From August to November these papers were subject to further consultation and revision including a web-based consultation and face to face discussion at the six regional committees which met from August through to October.

In October the DG circulated a new version of WHO Reforms for a Healthy Future (15 October) building on and incorporating comment on the three earlier discussion papers and a new Road Map for organisational review and reform for discussion at the EBSS.

Following the November EB Special Session a set of reform proposals will be prepared for consideration by the Executive Board at its meeting in January 2012 and for final decision at the World Health Assembly in May 2012.




1. Opening of the session
2. Adoption of the agenda and method of work (see Annotated Agenda and Proposed Program of Work)
3. WHO reform
5. Closure of the session


Decisions here



TWN (111102)

PHM Statement on WHO Reform Program (111101)

DGH and PHM Comment on EBSS Decisions (111205) 


DraftPHMStatement2SSEB_WHOReform_111101.pdf47.68 KB
TWN(111102)WHODebateReform.pdf21.49 KB