EB128 5. The future of financing for WHO

Discussions of budgets and financing at the 124th session of the Executive Board and the Sixty second World Health Assembly in 2009 revealed a concern among Member States about the way WHO is financed.

In response, the Director-General convened an informal discussion in January 2010 followed by a web consultation between April and October and further discussion at the regional committtes in late 2010.

For EB128 she tabled a report to the Board (EB 128/INF.DOC./2) summarising the views of Member States and the issues raised. The DG also prepared a report to the EB on the Future of Financing of WHO (EB128/21) for the consideration of the EB128. 

No formal decision was taken (see the official record of the discussion at the Sixth Meeting of the EB) but the DG summarised what she took from the discussion in her Concluding Remarks (EB128/INF.Doc./3) and indicated that she would prepare a 'programme of reform' which she would bring to the WHA64 (May 2011).  

See also: 

PHMStatementOnTheFutureOfFinancingForWHO110120.pdf75.06 KB
Report2GHWFutureFinancingWHO.pdf117.17 KB