4.14 Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases

The discussion at the EB128 was mainly focused on the preparations for the upcoming UN High-level meeting on the prevention and control of NCDs (September 2011). At its 64th meeting the General Assembly of the United Nations decided in resolution A/RES/64/265 to convene a high-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases. The resolution required the Assembly to hold consultations on the scope, modalities, format and organization of the high-level meeting.

The Secretariats report to the EB (EB128/17) describes WHO’s plan for participation in and contribution to the preparations for the highlevel meeting, including the co-organization of an international ministerial conference on noncommunicable diseases and healthy lifestyles in Moscow, as well as other implementation activities. Discussion of this topic by the Board also forms part of the consultative preparations.


See our topic page on Non Communicable diseases for background information and PHM comments.


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