4.03 Public health, innovation and intellectual property


Open Sessions of CEWG 5-7 April 2011

The Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Finance and Coordination (CEWG) has announced Open Sessions of the 1st Meeting of the CEWG.    (See Background Paper on CEWG)

1. Opening session, 5th April. Register to be an observer
2. Open Forum, 6th April, Register to make a presentation
3. Open Briefing (after the closed session) 5:30 pm Thurs 7 April

See http://www.who.int/phi/news/cewg_2011/en/index.html for more detail 

From EB 128 Agenda

Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination

The Director-General will propose a composition of the Consultative Expert Working Group to the Board for approval, drawing on the roster of experts whose details, following consultation with Regional Committees, have been submitted to the Director-General through the respective Regional Directors, and taking into account regional representation according to the composition of the Executive Board, gender balance and diversity of expertise, and the Regional Committees’ recommendations.

Background Documentation

1. Constitution of an Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) on Innovation, Public Health and Intellectual Property

The issue of better access to healthcare products for poor populations has been the subject of many World Health Assembly resolutions. In May 2006, at the Fifty-ninth World Health Assembly, Member States established an Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (IGWG).

The Working Group's mandate was to prepare a global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property to address conditions disproportionately affecting developing countries.

From December 2006 till May 2008, WHO Member States and other stakeholders met in three meetings of the Intergovernmental Working group (and also in regional consultations and other multilateral meetings linked to the IGWG), to discuss ways to foster innovation, build capacity and improve access to health products to achieve better health outcomes in developing countries. Their work was enhanced by written submissions from Member States on various negotiating texts, as well as inputs from a wide range of stakeholders through two web-based public hearings.

In May 2008, the Sixty-first World Health Assembly adopted Resolution WHA 61.21: Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property.

The global strategy and plan of action is comprised of eight elements, which are designed to promote innovation, build capacity, imoprove access and mobilize resources.

2. Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property (GSPOA) WHA61.21 (May 2008)

 3. Expert report on R&D financing triggers inquiry, consultations (Published in SUNS #6847 dated 22 January 2010)

4. Policy Brief on Global strategy and plan of action (GSPOA)

5. Brief on Implementation of Global Strategy( Nicoletta Dentico, March 2009)

Policy Brief on Global Strategy and Plan of Action (GSPOA).doc254.5 KB
Implementing the Global Strategy and Plan of Action.pdf267.29 KB