WHA66 May 2013

20-28th May, 2013. Follow the WHO Watch team and their reports on the World Health Assembly here. Download the complete document containing PHM's comments on the WHA 66 agenda hereplus daily reports and post-assembly item commentaries.

Contents of this page

  1. Pre Assembly Comments by PHM on 66th WHA agenda
  2. PHM Daily Summaries and detailed reports 
  3. PHM post -WHA comment on particular items
  4. WHA Agenda (A66/1)
    1. Plenary
    2. Committee A
    3. Committee B 

PHM Statements

PHM daily summaries and detailed reports

Day 1 (20 May)

Day 2 (21 May)

Day 3 (22 May)

Day 4 (23 May)

Day 5 (24 May)

Day 6 (25 May)

Day 7 (27 May)

Post WHA comments on particular items

15.1 IHRs
18E Climate Change and Health

WHA66 Agenda

Plenary (A66/1)

1. Opening (appointments, elections, adoptions) 
2. Report of EB on EB131 and EB132 (A66/2)
3. Address of DG (A66/3)
4. Invited speakers
5. Admission of new member if any
6. EB Election
7. Awards
8. Reports of main committees
9. Closure

Committee A (A66/1)

10. Opening of Committee
11. WHO reform (A66/4A66/48)
12. Program and budget matters

12.1 Implementation of PB 12-13 (update) (A66/5)
12.2 Draft GPW12 (A66/6)
12.3 Proposed PB14-15  (A66/7)

13. NCDs

13.1 Draft global monitoring framework and targets for NCDs (A66/8); see also Financial/Admin Implications (A66/8 Add.1)
13.2 Draft action plan for NCDs 2013-2020 (A66/9)
13.3 Draft MH Action Plan 2013-20 (A66/10)
13.4 Draft action plan for prevention of avoidable blindness and impairment 2014-2019  (A66/11) and also EB132.R1
13.5 Disability and see Secretariat papers (A66/12) and EB132.R5

14. Promoting health through the life course

14.1 Monitoring MDGs (also Health in post-2015 Development Agenda) (A66/13, A66/47)
14.2 Follow up of recs of commissions on women's and children's health (A66/14) and also EB132.R4
14.3 Social determinants of health and Secrt paper A66/15

15. Preparedness, surveillance and response

15.1  Implementation of IHRs (A66/16). See PHM Report on this item.
15.2 Pandemic influenza preparedness: virus sharing and access to benefits (A66/17)
15.3 Polio eradication (A66/18)

16. Communicable diseases

16.1 Global vaccine action plan (A66/19)
16.2 Neglected tropical diseases (A66/20) and also EB132.R7
16.3 Malaria (A66/21)

17. Health systems

17.1 SSFFCMP (A66/22)
17.2 Follow up of CEWG on R&D (A66/23)
17.3 UHC (A66/24)
17.4 Health workforce (A66/25)
17.5 eHealth and internet domain names (A66/26) and also EB132.R8

18. Progress reports and (A66/27)

Committee B (A66/1)

19. Opening of Committee
20. Health conditions in Palestine (A66/28)
21. Financial matters
21.1 Fin report and audited fin statements for year ended 31 Dec 2012 (A66/29)
21.2 Status of arrears (A66/30)
21.3 Tajikistan arrears (A66/45)
21.4 Scale of assessments 2014-15 (A66/31) and Forex risk management (A66/32)
22. Audit and oversight matters. Report of external auditor (A66/34), of internal auditor (A66/35)
23. Staffing matters
23.1 HR AR (A66/36)
23.2 Report of International Civil Services Commission (A66/37)
23.3 Amendments to staff rules (Docs A66/38, EB132/2013/REC/1, Resolution EB132.R11)
23.4 Report of UN Joint Staff Pension Board (A66/39)
23.5 Apointment of reps to WHO Staff Pension Committee (A66/40)
24. Management and legal matters
24.1 Follow up of WG on election of DG (A66/41)
24.2 Real estate (A66/42)
21.3 Agreements with IG orgs 
24.4 Reassignment of South Sudan from EMRO to AFRO (A66/43)
25. Collaboration within the UN system and with other intergovernmental organisations (A66/44)