WHO Watch

WHO Regional Committee Meetings

WHO Regional Committee Meetings are crucial for the purpose of watching WHO. Important policy issues are discussed and crucial decisions are taken at this forum.
We are putting up some links for you to study and comment upon.

WHO The world health report - Health systems financing: the path to universal coverage

“…..The objective was to transform the evidence, gathered from studies in a diversity of settings, into a menu of options for raising sufficient resources and removing financial barriers to access, especially for the poor. As indicated by the subtitle, the emphasis is firmly placed on moving towards universal coverage, a goal currently at the centre of debates about health service provision. 

Corporate interest dictating social policy

This is the latest edition of Critical Health Perspectives, a publication of PHM South Africa. This edition is by Louis and Leslie London on corporate think-tanks, and how corporate interests can influence social and health policy..... and the role of media supporting.

WHO reveals H1N1 committee's links with big pharma

11 August 2010
Elizabeth Sukkar

The World Health Organization has revealed the names of the 16 experts/advisors on its emergency committee, which recommended the declaration of the H1N1 pandemic in June 2009, showing that five of them have or have had ties with the pharmaceutical industry.

Their identities were revealed after the committee was dissolved following the announcement of the end of the H1N1 influenza pandemic by the WHO on 10 August, which had always been the organization's plan.