WHO Watch

WHA68 May 2015


Now Available: Notes of discussions at WHA68, produced by the volunteers of WHO Watch, available for download here.  It may help in making sense of these notes to also refer to the commentaries linked below.  

PHM calls on WHO's member states in African region to address hard questions related to Ebola epidimic

The 64th Session of the WHO's Regional Committee of Africa will meet in Cotonou, Benin from 3-7 November 2014. The PHM has developed a commentary on selected agenda items in front of this meeting. Among these items is Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

The PHM urges the members of the Regional Committee to insist on full consideration of the following questions:

PHM calls on WHO in the Western Pacific Region to confront the barriers to health development

The Western Pacific Regional Committee of WHO is meeting from 13 - 17 October, 2014 in Manila, Philippines. In consultation with health groups around the region PHM has prepared a detailed commentary on the main agenda items to be addressed during the meeting. 

Watching the 135th session of the WHO's Executive Board

Within the framework of the PHM's initiative on 'Democratizing Global Health Governace' focusing currently on watching the WHO, the PHM prepared a commentary on the agenda items of the the 135th session of the WHO's Executive Board (26 May 2014). 

Read the PHM comments and statements on the agenda items of the 135th EB.