WHO Watch

WHA66 May 2013

20-28th May, 2013. Follow the WHO Watch team and their reports on the World Health Assembly here. Download the complete document containing PHM's comments on the WHA 66 agenda hereplus daily reports and post-assembly item commentaries.

Mental Health

[See also page on Mental Health Services and Programmes]

Mental illness is a massive problem world wide.  It is a major burden (for individuals, families and communities) even in countries with socially enlightened policies and adequate service systems. Relatively speaking it is a much heavier burden in many L&MICs where service systems are weaker and community resources are more stretched.  

Global Events Past

  • January 26 - February 3, 2015: EB136
  • May 13-15, 2015: PBAC22

PHM Commentary on Executive Board meeting of WHO

 The PHM has developed a detailed cmmentary on issues being discussed at the Executive Board meeting of the WHO. Click here to download the commentary.