WHO Watch

A trojan horse of the private sectors interests at the World Health Organisation

Today, PHM and MMI denounced the failure of the Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors (FENSA) currently under discussion at the World Health Organisation (WHO) to provide a robust framework against undue influence of the corporate sector and its philantropies.

A Resolve to Reform - A look at the Director-General's Opening Address at EB138

We welcome you to this new edition of People’s Health Movement’s (PHM) initiative WHO Watch (more on WHO Watch here).

World Health Organization or World Health Corporation?

Resisting Corporate Influence in WHO

The latest issue of Third World Resurgence (#298/299, June/July2015) delves into the influence of the private sector on the WHO in the context of the current reform of the institution and its long standing funding crisis. See detailed contents below.

EB138 January 2016

The 138th Executive Board meeting of the World Health Organisation took place from 25 to 30 January 2016 in Geneva.