WHO Watch

Global Health Governance Reform Initiative Launched

Workshop on Democratising Global Health Governance, Geneva, 14-15 May, 2010.

Representatives of a range of civil society organizations working in health met over two days in Geneva, 14-15 May 2010, to review current structures of global health governance; consider possible directions for reform and adopt strategies for driving such reform.

The discussion of governance issues was shaped by concerns for deepening inequalities and by an awareness of the harm and future dangers of the food, financial and climate crises.

Making WHO Work Better: An Advocacy Agenda for Civil Society

WHOA discussion document Produced by the Global Health Watch

Every year at the World Health Assembly, civil society and non-government organisations gather to promote various health agendas by lobbying governments, WHO officials and other stakeholders. These agendas cover a range of topics and issues: particular diseases or illnesses; access to treatment; pharmaceutical research and development; the health of children and other neglected population groups; and many others.

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