WHO Watch

PHM Ghana Watches 66 AFRO meeting

On 16 and 17 August 2016, PHM-Ghana organised a Watching Workshop with the aim to develop a position paper on key issues on the 66th AFRO meeting agenda. Representatives of 14 organisations met for two days at the Guest House of the University for Development Studies in Accra, Ghana and developed a joint Position Paper covering key agenda issues. The Position Paper can be found here.  

Can Unsustainable Trade, Ecological and Economic Policies Sustain Global Development Goals

The PHM, while welcoming the vision of equity promotion in the SDG 2030 goals, challenged delegates at the WHA to consider if the same polices which has promoted an ecological disaster and has engendered multiple economic collapses can promote sustainable goals.

Is WHO poised to open its governance to private commercial interests?

At the 69th session of the World Health Assembly,  a possiblel adoption by Member States of a Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors (FENSA) that does not have sufficient safeguards against undue influence from the private sector could constitute a sad turning point in history of WHO.